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Welcome to ASHE Alabama

American Society of Highway Engineers – The purpose of the American Society of Highway Engineers is to provide a forum for members and partners of the highway industry that supports education, innovation, and fellowship; promoting a safe and efficient highway system for mobility now and in the future.

Thank you to our Yearly Sponsors!

Upcoming Events and Meetings


Date: March 13, 2025 from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM
Speaker: Matt Leverette, P.E., Assistant Chief Engineer – Preconstruction, ALDOT
Railroad Coordination on ALDOT Projects

Location: ALDOT Montgomery Area Office Classroom; 1525 Coliseum Boulevard, Montgomery, AL 36110 or online via Zoom


Upcoming Events

Keep on the lookout for our upcoming social events and outings. We hope to see you soon!

Past Events

The golf outing was a great start to the Alabama Transportation Conference again this year. Thanks to all our sponsors and those who help at the event.

We had a great turnout for our Holiday Social and collected some great toys for Fostering Together Gulf Coast. We are looking forward to what 2025 will hold!

Our Alabama Chapter had a great time at the 2024 inaugural Southeast Region Conference in Chattanooga Tennessee.

A big thanks to Mr. Gary Smith for presenting at the Conference on the Northern Beltline. This was an amazing presentation and a big thanks to the Tennessee Valley Chapter for hosting this event!

2024 CEME Conference was a great Conference again this year with the ASHE Cornhole Tournament being a success.

Weather couldn’t hold us down this year after changing the event location and date (a couple times). In the end we had a successful tournament and great turnout!

ASCE/ASHE Cornhole Tournament and STEM Event at the ASCE Alabama Summer Meeting in Mobile

Our Team showed our commitment to promoting the Highway Engineering industry and growing interest with KIDS at the Treasure Island themed event!

Joint ASCE Social Event at Montgomery Whitewater

We had a great time partnering with ASCE Montgomery at Montgomery Whitewater in May. Look for our upcoming events!

Topgolf Mobile NWZAW Safety Drive Event created WORK ZONE Awareness!

We had a great turn out and thanks to all the sponsors!
Everyone supported this event by wearing orange and there was a guest appearance from Millie!

Membership Resources


Our Chapter host monthly meetings with different industry speakers. ASHE also offers annual conferences across the U.S. Come join our next event.

Get involved in one of our committees! This is an effective way of networking with your industry colleagues and be engaged in area meetings and events.

The ASHE Alabama Section provides multiple educational opportunities to our members for professional development.

About the ASHE Alabama Section

Alabama Section offers networking, development, and various other opportunities within the transportation industry. ASHE provides a way for members and professionals in the highway industry to support education and innovation.